How ElimiNOX Eco™ Works

How ElimiNOX Eco™ Works

How Does ElimiNOX Eco™ Work

(with all carbon-based fuels: diesel, petrol, MGO, kerosene, HVO, bio-fuels)

1. Adding ElimiNOX Eco™ to the Fuel

  • Direct Addition: Pour ElimiNOX Eco™ directly into the fuel supply tank when filling it with diesel.

  • In-line Dosing: Integrate ElimiNOX Eco™ into the fuel distribution system through an in-line dosing mechanism.

2. Benefits of Using ElimiNOX Eco™ Conditioner

In the Tank, Fuel Pipes, Filters, and Injector Pump:

  • Water Emulsification:

    • Initial Water Removal: Drain any separated water from the bottom of the fuel tank.

    • Emulsification of Remaining Water: ElimiNOX Eco™ emulsifies residual water within the fuel system.

    • Condensation Water Management: Water introduced through condensation will be emulsified and safely burned in the engine without needing modifications.

  • Detergent Properties:

    • Removing Old Deposits: The conditioner cleans out old waxy sediments from diesel that have accumulated over time.

    • Preventing Future Build-up: It inhibits the formation of new deposits in the fuel system.

  • Lubricating Properties:

    • System Preservation: Enhances the lubrication of the entire fuel system, protecting its components.

  • Anti-Corrosive Properties:

    • Rust Prevention: Prevents rust formation, thus avoiding fuel and filter contamination.

At Injection:

  • Improved Lubricity:

    • System Integrity: Enhances the functioning of the fuel pump and injection system.

  • Fuel Emulsion Benefits:

    • Increased Nozzle Velocity: Results in better spray penetration.

    • Secondary Atomisation: Promotes a wider spray angle and increased turbulence.

    • Finer Atomisation: Achieves better droplet size distribution.

    • Lifted Flame Base: Caused by an ignition delay, improving air-fuel mixing.

Upon Combustion:

  • Enhanced Combustion:

    • Oxidative Properties: Improves overall combustion quality.

    • Acid Neutralisation: Neutralises acidic combustion by-products.

  • Fuel Emulsion Benefits During Combustion:

    • Shorter Combustion Period: Improves combustion efficiency.

    • Reduced Excess Air Demand: Enhances fuel economy.

    • Lower Peak Combustion Temperature: Mitigates thermal stress on engine components.

Overall Benefits of ElimiNOX Eco™ Conditioner:

  • Complete Combustion: Ensures thorough fuel burn, reducing waste.

  • Reduced Friction: Lessens wear on engine parts.

  • Enhanced Combustion Efficiency: Increases engine performance.

  • Improved Fuel Economy: Lowers fuel consumption.

  • Reduced Particulate Matter (PM):

    • Lower Carbon Deposits: Minimises engine deposits.

    • Less Visible Smoke: Cleaner exhaust emissions.

    • Less Acidic By-products: Reduces engine corrosion and maintenance needs.

    • Lower Sulphur Oxide Conversion: Less sulphuric acid formation.

    • Less Nitrous Oxides (NOx) Formation: Environmentally beneficial.

  • Reduced Maintenance and Downtime: Keeps the engine running smoother for longer periods.

By following these steps and understanding the benefits, you can effectively utilise ElimiNOX Eco™ to optimise the performance and longevity of your engine.