The Cost of Saving The Planet

A guest article by Stephen Bamford, a former Fellow of The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

In the early part of my investing career, a wise investment manager said to me that “the long term is made up of a lot of short terms”, so when you invest in a company step back and work out if your main story has true long term potential. The day to day ups and downs then become less worrying. This has served me well and I would like to share three statements, made to me as a fund manager, that gave me the belief that these investments had true long-term potential.

“My aim in this business is to get Yorkshire housewives really good bargains and make the food manufacturers pay for them”. The man who said this ran Associated Dairies a company that delivered milk to the doorstep, but he and his team turned the company into ASDA.

“Now that you can make industrial equipment using these new electronic components, why would you do it any other way? My aim is to become the best electronic component distributor in the UK”. His company, Electrocomponents, became a darling of the stock market for decades.

“In the not too distant future, you will be able to carry your telephone in your pocket – The market for this technology might be substantial”. The man who said this to me in 1984, saw his business become the most valuable company in FTSE100 Index in 1999. It was, and still is, called Vodafone.

The point I am making is that a great story does not change because of bear markets or crashes like in 1987, 1999/2000 or 2008. So, what was it that appealed to me about the SulNOx Group at the beginning of our story in 2014, when I joined the company?

The aim of the proprietary technology used by ElimiNOX has always been to improve the efficiency of the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and in doing so:

  • Save fuel i.e. increase miles per gallon. 
  • Reduce maintenance by cleaning the engine from the inside. 
  • Reduce all the major toxic emissions, particularly PM2.5, widely recognised as a killer of human beings. 
  • Helping users understand that buying our products will actually save them money, whilst they become greener. 

 Mr Stephen Bamford has no role in ElimiNOX, having retired from corporate life in 2020. The views expressed above are purely his own.