
In the agricultural sector, there is no cost-effective substitute for diesel engines with the same combination of energy efficiency, power and performance, durability and reliability.

Diesel dominates the entire "farm supply chain" - planting the product, tending the crop (watering, fertilisers, and pesticides), harvesting the product and even bringing the product to market by truck, rail or ship. Farm tractors, combines, irrigation pumps and other equipment are the workhorses in an industry vital to national economies and quality of life.

An increase in fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) blend component for red diesel fuel, which is made from various combinations of fresh and recycled vegetable oils and some animal fats, is suspected to be the root cause of the problem. Under the UK’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, the government has set out targets to increase FAME content in red diesel fuels to 12.4% by 2032. 

The changes are part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage the use of safer biofuels. Reported issues include poor machine performance, blocked filters on storage tanks and machines, replacement of filters before schedule – sometimes after only a few hours of use – resulting in expensive machinery breakdowns and delays to field work. Unlike mineral diesel, FAME is ‘hydroscopic’ which means it attracts and holds onto water.

ElimiNOX Eco™ eliminates the water by suspending it as an emulsion within the diesel, removing the growth medium where the diesel bug thrives and actively prevents diesel bug growth between re-fuelling. Why treat the symptom when you can eliminate the cause.

Four out of five diesel engine failures are a result of the dreaded diesel bug, so don’t become yet another victim of this avoidable statistic. Unlike other diesel bug treatments which only kill the diesel bug after it has already built up, ElimiNOX Eco™ is unique because it eliminates the most common cause of diesel bug – the water in which it grows.

Using ElimiNOX Eco™ pays for itself by helping save the cost of expensive engine failures, extends your engines life, reduces service intervals, improves your engine’s fuel efficiency.