Rhodes University Partnership

Rhodes University Partnership

ElimiNOX is excited to report on our carbon emissions reduction partnership with Rhodes University in South Africa.

ElimiNOX and Rhodes University have signed a ground-breaking agreement that aims to ultimately reduce carbon emissions. We aim to set up an R300 million fund for carbon offset tax-free allowances to big industry players.

This initiative aligns with the Carbon Tax Act of 2019, which implements the polluter-pays-principle for large emitters and offers financial incentives for adopting cleaner technologies.

Rhodes University, which houses Africa's only Chair of Environmental Education and is a United Nations Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development and Environmental Learning Research Centre, will work with ElimiNOX to assess carbon-reducing projects for investment purposes. The fund will enable investors to claim tax allowances while providing educational and practical support to emitters.

Furthermore, as part of the agreement, Rhodes University will adopt ElimiNOX ECO environmental fuel conditioner in its own fleet of vehicles and generators, contributing to a reduction in its carbon footprint. This partnership showcases the power of collaboration between academia and industry to tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.